Consumer data for financial services institutions

CivicScience’s real-time human insights and activation platform takes an instant pulse on the latest trends among millions of consumers every day – a must-have for financial services firms looking to understand the American consumer.

CivicScience studies everything constantly – with a library of 500,000+ questions and 5+ billion insights – enabling us to consistently be the first to detect changes in consumer attitudes and behaviors, empowering our customers to react smarter and faster.

In addition to our vast database, we can move quickly to explore emerging topics, launching new studies with nationally representative findings in hours and leveraging polling partnerships with major media companies.

Our data also has high predictive power, from days to months ahead of events in the wider economy, often besting forecasts from industry economists.

This applies to a wide variety of financial services use cases, including enhancing specific analyst coverage of industries and companies, deepening insights in sales presentations to prospects, and powering proprietary trading models across multiple markets and asset classes.



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“It’s not uncommon for CivicScience to answer our most critical business questions in minutes.”

Global General Manager of Research, Top 5 retail bank

CivicScience data features
Tickerized & tagged questions

Question library is tagged with 1,000+ companies, other entities, and sentiment. Many questions also categorized in multiple industrial taxonomies, including GICS.

Individual respondents

CivicScience captures responses from anonymized individuals with identity keys that can be joined with data from major third-party providers to enrich metadata.

Full-featured analytics

Advanced InsightStore application allows users to search entire database  and perform reporting, analysis, and cross-tabbing.

Multiple data output methods

Data available as file exports on daily, weekly, or monthly basis, with future data products providing intraday updates, API access, and integration into data warehousing/ETL platforms.

“CivicScience surfaced the one game-changing insight that our army of analysts, consultants, and agencies couldn’t find.”

Vice President of Insights, Major telecom

Question inventory categories
  • Age, gender, race
  • Education, income
  • Parental, marital status
  • Morning/night person
  • Geography
  • Religion & family
  • Movies & TV shows
  • Event attendance
  • Pro & college sports
  • Reading genres
  • Theater & culture
  • Cultural maven indicators
Media consumption
  • Print vs. online
  • Newspaper & magazine
  • TV & cable networks
  • Radio & music
  • Mobile & streaming
  • Binge vs. linear
Health & wellness
  • Diet & exercise
  • Weight & fitness
  • Ailments & treatments
  • Medical history
  • Beauty products
  • Smoking/drinking
Personal Finance
  • Spending/savings
  • Home ownership
  • Employment/type
  • Insurance & banking
  • Economic outlook
  • Spending outlook
  • Financial health indicators
Technology Usage
  • Phone & carrier
  • Smartphone & OS
  • Tablets & PCs
  • Social media usage
  • Search, web, text
  • Gaming & consoles
  • Adoption curve indicators
Politics & Ideology
  • Party affiliation
  • Issue positions
  • Political behaviors
  • Civic engagement
  • Candidate preference
  • Social cause affinity
  • Giving & volunteering
Shopping Habits
  • In-store vs. online
  • Coupon usage
  • Spending by category
  • Payment (credit vs. cash)
  • Dining
  • Organic / environmental
  • Mobile & tablet